Re: N3 and N-Triples (was: RDF in HTML: Approaches)

On Monday, June 3, 2002, at 01:17  PM, Dan Brickley wrote:

> The Web community, and the entire computing industry, have settled on 
> as a basis for data interchange. Maybe they're wrong, but that's a 
> battle
> no longer worth fighting. Dragging RDF further still from the XML
> mainstream would be extremely ill-advised.

<sarcasm>I guess we should all use SOAP too then? Why are we even 
bothering with all this RDF stuff anyway? Clearly *everyone* is using 

I think you need to broaden your perspective a little bit. XML is 
popular indeed, but it has hardly taken over the entire industry.

As long as we continue to stick with XML as our data format, we will be 
seen as more complicated than XML (extra work) and will likely not be 
used. By moving away we have at least a chance at seeming simpler (which 
I believe RDF is) and getting used.

Aaron Swartz []

Received on Monday, 3 June 2002 14:26:21 UTC