Re: Disambiguation; keeping the "U" in "URI"

[Joshua Allen]
To: "Danny Ayers" <>; <>;
Sent: Wednesday, April 24, 2002 6:18 PM
Subject: RE: Disambiguation; keeping the "U" in "URI"

> I like this solution.

I don't.  At least, not until you say whether the value - the second in the triple - is a resource or a
literal.  Remember, to date we can still use either as the object of a
statement.  If it's a literal, maybe this could work.  But if it's a
resource, it's fair game to be the subject of another statement, and we are
about to get mightily confused.  After all, we could be able to logically
conclude that is both a person and
intellectual content.  Perhaps that is true for Mark (I've never met him in
person), but unlikely to be the kind of thing we want to imply in general.

I guess we could get really radical here and say that that we alway have to
use templates for the predicate to provide a context for understanding the
nature of a resource in a statement.  That doesn't appeal to me so I hope we
don't have to end up there.  Probably it only pushes the issue up a level

> > ...
> > dc:Creator
> >
> >
> > then it can inferred that one of these is a person or organisation and
> the
> > other something with intellectual content. No conflict.
> >


Tom P

Received on Wednesday, 24 April 2002 23:45:39 UTC