Re: Disambiguation; keeping the "U" in "URI"

On Wed, Apr 24, 2002 at 03:18:45PM +0100, Miles Sabin wrote:
> Mark Baker wrote,
> > Re disambiguation, as I've said repeatedly (don't people believe me?
> > 8-), HTTP has the Content-Location header for doing just this.
> Right, this helps but, IMO, it doesn't solve the whole problem, and
> it's only one mechanism amongst many.
> One of the major problems is that it seems to require an HTTP 
> retrieval, which might be inappropriate, and that the server be able 
> to make the decision about the correct disambiguation, which might
> not always be the case.

That's true, but similar semantics can encapsulated within a
separate property that can be used in other contexts.

<> foo:variantRepresentationOf

Content-Location is a transient assertion, since its subject is a
sequence of bytes found in an HTTP response.  So it wouldn't be useful
useful to capture that exactly in a generic manner (note to self;
update RestRDF).

> This seems particularly unfortunate in the car vs. document case. If
> I want to make an assertion about a car I surely don't want to have
> to attempt a retrieval on it's URI only to be told by the server to
> refer to an associated document. The retrieval is innapropriate in
> the first place, but, in the absence of a retrieval, where's the
> Content-Location: header to do the work of disambiguation?

I agree that the same (or similar) relationship can and should be
communicated in other ways.

> Mark, you've been so insistent that 
> designates you, that I think it's reasonable to believe that it's
> passed into common use as one of your names, at least around here. 
> Which means that someone might ask me to "Buy 
> a beer". Context and the nature of the beer-buying operation means
> that I'm unlikely to do anything daft with a document in response to
> such a request, but it's quite clear that neither HTTP nor Content-
> Location: do any work the process.

Well, if I changed my web server to redirect to
(note the ".com" - i.e. not me), then I would expect that there'd be
confusion about who exactly "" defines.  So it is
part of the process, IMO.

Mark Baker, Chief Science Officer, Planetfred, Inc.
Ottawa, Ontario, CANADA.

Received on Wednesday, 24 April 2002 14:40:27 UTC