Re: QNames for Better Visuals?


> I wondered what people think of using QNames for properties in
> SVG graphics and tucking away the URIs into XLinks. See:
> Resource URIs are also truncated (but linked), as are literals. This
> for more detail to be compressed into a single screen shot. As an example
> the "Extended Article" SVG is much easier to read than if it had been
> decorated with full-blown URIs. Would be neat if some of the other
> GraphViz-based tools (Validator, IsaViz, etc) supported an option to
> in this more compressed form. Seems to me that the property URIs are not
> primary interest to the *human* reader but instead deflect attention from
> the main subject matter.

Displayable labels are always a problem.  The obvious thing to do is to have
a "label" property and display that if it is present, but if that convention
isn't followed, what should be displayed?  The Topic Map people have paid a
lot of attention to naming and labeling, with scoped names and variant
names.  The work could be used for RDF- another convention, of course.


Tom P

Received on Friday, 5 April 2002 09:04:11 UTC