I had to reread XML Base to clarify, this. Lee is indeed correct: xml:base
does not override the base URI of the document Entity. Oh well, it was a good thought.
Lee Jonas wrote:
> Graham Klyne [] wrote:
> >>
> >>I took rdf:ID to have the equivalent semantics as an XML
> attribute of type
> >>'ID'. If this is the case, then xml:base won't affect the absolute
> >>URI-reference for the RDFresource defined - AFAIK, '#fragid' is always a
> >>fragment within the current document, regardless of the base URI.
> >
> >But what is it to mean in the corresponding RDF graph ("model"),
> which may
> >exist without reference to the containing document?
> >
> >#g
> >
> I.e. it is a well defined process that cannot indicate/override a
> document URI given a fragment only.