Re: rdfapi question

Chris Cera wrote:

> I'm creating a program to read a rdfs file and say I get the
> predicate:, and I
> want to create two local objects in another language that handle a
> class relationship.  I basically want to create a Tree structure
> of the class hiearchy defined in an rdf file.
> First I want to create an rdfsclass object, then link it to its
> superclass.  If the superclass wasn't already created, then I need
> to create that.  My problem occurs in finding out if my local
> superclass object has been created already, I then need to
> traverse through all the class objects that I've created to see if
> this one exists yet.  This process is to create a pointer to the 
> superclass object.  I can't create a pointer in this programming
> language if the other class doesn't exist yet, so searching of all
> my class objects up until that point will need to be done to link
> them properly.  
> Since I'm trying to create a tree of the class hiearchy, I need the 
> root nodes to come first, this way I can assume it exists and have 
> no need to search another structure to see if I've created it
> already.
> Am I oblivious to something else or is this a common problem?  If
> anyone has a proposed solution I would appreciate it if they could
> please share it with me.  Thanks.


attached you'll find a simple Java-solution for this problem.  Hope, 
it's what you need.


-- Saied Tazari
/*                                                         */
/*                                                                        */
/* Program to accept nodes of a tree in an arbitrary order and internally */
/* build and output the tree in the correct order.                        */
/*                                                                        */
/* Description of the solution:                                           */
/*                                                                        */
/*   A binary tree structure (using firstChild and sibling pointers) will */
/*   hold the infos representing the nodes. Class "Node" is used to define*/
/*   the structure and behavior of these nodes.                           */
/*                                                                        */
/*   Because of the arbitrary order of the nodes during the "add"         */
/*   operations, there would be some nodes that are temporarily "floating"*/
/*   (i.e. their parents are missing). The idea is to think of the subtree*/
/*   rooted at such a node, as an independent tree and each time that a   */
/*   new node is added, see if the "root" of one of the existing trees can*/
/*   be displaced as a child of the new node.                             */
/*                                                                        */
/*   All the trees are kept in a single list. Class "TreeList" is used    */
/*   to define the structure and behavior of such a list. The data        */
/*   structure of the list is chosen to be a "Node" named "head" with id  */
/*   equal to 0, so that via "sibling"      we have the list view and     */
/*   via "firstChild" we have a tree view, i.e. head is simultaneously    */
/*   both the head of a list and the super-root having the roots of all   */
/*   of the (tempoprary) trees as its children. This way, the code for    */
/*   TreeList::add has become very short.                                 */

class Node {
  int id, pid;
  StringBuffer info;
  Node firstChild, sibling;

  Node (int id, String info, int pid) { = id; = new StringBuffer ();
    if (info != null  &&  info.length () > 0) { (info);
    } = pid;
    firstChild = null;
    sibling = null;

  void addChild (Node child) {
    if (firstChild == null) {
      firstChild = child;
    } else {
      Node tempChild = firstChild;
      while (tempChild.sibling != null) {
	tempChild = tempChild.sibling;
      tempChild.sibling = child;

  Node findNode (int id) {
    if ( == id) {
      return this;
    if (firstChild != null) {
      Node temp = firstChild.findNode (id);
      if (temp != null) {
	return temp;
    if (sibling != null) {
      return (sibling.findNode (id));
    return null;

  void printTree (String indent) {
    System.out.println (indent + info.toString ());
    if (firstChild != null) {
      StringBuffer newIndent = new StringBuffer ();
      newIndent.append (indent + "    ");
      firstChild.printTree (newIndent.toString ());
    if (sibling != null) {
      sibling.printTree (indent);

class TreeList {
  Node head;

  TreeList () {
    head = new Node (0, "List head", 0);

  void addNode (int id, String info, int pid) {
    Node temp = head.findNode (id);
    if (temp != null) {
      System.out.println ("Duplicate id.  Node ignored!");
    Node node = new Node (id, info, pid);
    temp = head.findNode (pid);
    if (temp == null  ||  pid == 0) {
      head.addChild (node);
      head.sibling = head.firstChild;
    } else {
      temp.addChild (node);
    Node listMember = head;
    while (listMember.sibling != null) {
      if ( == id) {
	temp = listMember.sibling;
	listMember.sibling = temp.sibling;
	temp.sibling = null;
	node.addChild (temp);
      } else {
	listMember = listMember.sibling;

  void printTrees () {
    int i=1;
    for (Node root=head.sibling; root!=null; root=root.sibling) {
      System.out.println ("Tree #" + i++ + ":");
      root.printTree ("  ");

public class PrintTree {
  public static void main(String[] args) {
    TreeList myList = new TreeList ();
    myList.addNode (23, "Tree1.Node23.ChildOf20", 20);
    myList.addNode (3, "Tree1.Node3.ChildOf1", 1);
    myList.addNode (18, "Tree1.Node18.ChildOf10", 10);
    myList.addNode (12, "Tree1.Node12.ChildOf5", 5);
    myList.addNode (7, "Tree1.Node7.ChildOf3", 3);
    myList.addNode (8, "Tree1.Node8.ChildOf3", 3);
    myList.addNode (9, "Tree1.Node9.ChildOf3", 3);
    myList.addNode (1, "Tree1.Node1", 0);
    myList.addNode (10, "Tree1.Node10.ChildOf5", 5);
    myList.addNode (4, "Tree1.Node4.ChildOf1", 1);
    myList.addNode (11, "Tree1.Node11.ChildOf5", 5);
    myList.addNode (2, "Tree1.Node2.ChildOf1", 1);
    myList.addNode (13, "Tree1.Node13.ChildOf6", 6);
    myList.addNode (14, "Tree1.Node14.ChildOf7", 7);
    myList.addNode (15, "Tree1.Node15.ChildOf8", 8);
    myList.addNode (16, "Tree1.Node16.ChildOf8", 8);
    myList.addNode (6, "Tree1.Node6.ChildOf2", 2);
    myList.addNode (19, "Tree1.Node19.ChildOf10", 10);
    myList.addNode (20, "Tree1.Node20.ChildOf10", 10);
    myList.addNode (21, "Tree1.Node21.ChildOf20", 20);
    myList.addNode (17, "Tree1.Node17.ChildOf10", 10);
    myList.addNode (22, "Tree1.Node22.ChildOf20", 20);
    myList.addNode (5, "Tree1.Node5.ChildOf2", 2);
    myList.printTrees ();

Received on Tuesday, 8 May 2001 12:27:14 UTC