ANN: Jena R-1-1-0 released

A new version of the Jena Java API for RDF is available from:

New in this version:

   many I/O improvements:

      readers and writers plug-in interface giving
      support for multiple serialization languages
      a PrettyWriter for RDF/XML

      N-Triple reader and writer
      parseType="daml:collection" support

      tracks whether literals are well formed XML

      bug fixes in RDFFilter

   an efficient model compare which does intelligent matching of
   anonymous nodes

   jena.rdfcompare a new application for comparing RDF models

   jena.rdfcopy a new application for translating RDF from one language

   misc bug fixes

Jeremy Carroll
Brian McBride
HPLabs Bristol

Received on Friday, 6 July 2001 10:12:46 UTC