RE: Containers

Brian McBride wrote:

> I'm not sure what it would mean for a seq or an alt to have
> an explicit rdfx:member property e.g.:
>   <rdf:Seq>
>     <rdfx:member>foo</rdfx:member>
>   </rdf:Seq>
> Where in the sequence does this foo come?

May I suggest that XPointer with its ChildSeq construction has a good general solution to the
container problem, e.g.:

<rdf:Seq rdf:ID="foo">

can be addressed as:


or even as


i think that with XPointer, RDF can totally offload the need to generate
_1,_2 predicates (except for attribute properties which are unordered ...
but someone who wants to define members of an rdf:Seq with attributes has
already asked for trouble).

Jonathan Borden
The Open Healthcare Group

Received on Saturday, 3 February 2001 20:07:05 UTC