RE: good elevator pitch for Semantic Web

Hi Jeremy

I agree, by definition an elevator pitch is at the most 30 second discourse.
Forget about the scientific American article, its too long think 30

Didier PH Martin

-----Original Message-----
[]On Behalf Of Jeremy Carroll
Sent: 20-Apr-01 12:16
To: RDF-Interest
Subject: RE: good elevator pitch for Semantic Web

I am not convinced of the value of the scientific american article as an
*elevator pitch*.

It goes a little too much into the future to be convincing in five minutes.
Remember this  executive is probably distracted because of the consequences
of the US economic situation.

I think an elevator pitch should be focused on goals that feel closer in,
and really of the just-do-it, gung ho, variety. The "machine readable web"
story (which is there in the article) is the core of that preferred five
minute pitch. I would tend to ground the discussion in well-known
old-fashioned things, like databases and zip codes, rather than grounding in
futuristic stuff, like intelligent agents; these agents makes good
journalism but not necessarily good business.

Yes everything I would like is in the article, but there's lots of extra
stuff too that doesn't fit in the five minutes.

The semantic web is cool and exciting, but put it in some dull boring
clothes for some audiences.

A different approach, which really is more convincing than going straight to
the executives, is to convince the engineers first. When a variety of
different projects are finding RDF and semantic web approaches relevant in
lots of different ways then executive enthusiasm will follow.


> -----Original Message-----
> From:
> []On Behalf Of Narahari, Sateesh
> Sent: 19 April 2001 20:42
> To: RDF-Interest
> Subject: good elevator pitch for Semantic Web
> I was wondering if any one has a good elevator pitch for Semantic Web and
> RDF. How do you explain these concepts in less than 5 minutes to very busy
> executives who are familiar with general web technology.
> Best Regards,
> Sateesh

Received on Friday, 20 April 2001 08:53:02 UTC