From: "Murray Altheim" <>

> Seth Russell wrote:
> >
> > Boy, I hope we don't solve this problem only for DC and think we have
> > accomplished anything.
> You can take that attitude toward the work if you like.

Perhaps If you were as interested in seeing  detailed RDF descriptions of
pages as I am, you would understand my frustration with being thrown a bone
... a narrowly scoped fixed schema.

>I have no desire
> to conquer Everest (tried that, a big headache) or cure cancer, just
> allow DC content in XHTML documents. If by "anything" we've allowed XHTML
> documents to contain DC metadata, there seems to be a lot of people (Dan
> Brickley's message of earlier today for one) who find value in that.

Sure there's value in it, but at the same time there are a lot of people
that want to say much more about their pages than is possible with the DC
set of descriptions.   I want to be able to find a needle in a heystack and
that means very targeted meta data descriptions of resources.

> I have little belief that a general RDF-in-XHTML solution is necessary
> or even a good idea, and the discussions I've heard here have not
> convinced me otherwise.

Well, yes, now I agree ... because of the validation problem is is not a
good solution.

>This would not be useful. External links to RDF is
> the only other way, which is certainly possible but less than optimal.

What's wrong with it?   Can you propose a different solution that will
permit the validation you need of the XHTML document and at the same time
permit people to use the full power of RDF to describe their resources ?


Received on Monday, 16 April 2001 19:40:38 UTC