Mapping XML to RDF via XSLT: an implementation

To support the simplified RDF syntax and mapping of colloquial XML to RDF
( I have used Dan
Connolly's rdfp.xsl as a base. This is useful to see how 'arbitrary' or
'colloquial' XML maps to a set of RDF triples, it also demonstrates how
current RDF XML serializations map to a set of RDF triples.

The XSLT is available at

This mapping effects edge labelling of XML graphs and uses XPointer
generation to create URIs for XML/RDF nodes. Note that 2 forms of xpointer
generation are switched by a param, the default uses attribute values to
identify an element.

A number of examples have been scrapped from the M&S and are available in  see test5.xml -> result5.xml (actually there
are about 14 pairs).

What it doesn't yet support:



Many I'm sure! This is a work in progress.

In developing the mapping, I've noticed an errata in the M&S, specifically

"and using this third abbreviated form as:
  <rdf:Description about="">
      <s:Person about="">
 <v:Name>Ora Lassila</v:Name>
Note that <s:Person about="..."> needs to be changed to

<s:Person rdf:about="..."> under most any reasonable interpretation of
defaulting namespaces for attributes (my preference is strongly that *all*
rdf attributes be explicitly placed in the rdf NS).

Jonathan Borden
The Open Healthcare Group

Received on Tuesday, 12 September 2000 19:27:58 UTC