Re: A DTD for the abstract RDF model

At 02:20 PM 10/9/00 +0200, Jonas Liljegren wrote:
>Graham Klyne <> writes:
> > I broadly agree with your comments about literals -- they occupy an
> > uncomfortable position in the RDF world view.
>I take this opportunity to re-submit an earlier post I wrote on this


I think I can accept the broad thrust, but maybe have problems with a few 

If I understand correctly, you replace a literal with a resource with 
properties, as in:

     <type resource=""/>

so that the 'value' attribute has the literal value as an object, the 
'type' indicates a subtype of literal.  Attributes of the property 
referencing the literal, such as xml:lang, can be represented as properties 
on the literal resource.

Given the above, what (if anything) is to prevent:

         <type resource=""/>
     <type resource=""/>

?  i.e. repeated substitution of the literal with its interpretation as a 
resource.  Does this matter?  Maybe not.

When you wrote:

>Age as a resource:
><Description about="">
>     <type resource=""/>

I'm not sure how you mean the value "98" to be conveyed.


Graham Klyne

Received on Monday, 9 October 2000 09:55:02 UTC