Re: Nodes and Arcs 1989-1999: WWW history and RDF (revisited

On september 28 2000 Dan Connolly wrote:
> This is an interesting data set. I spent some time noodling
> on it too. I took a different approach to transcribing
> the figure in RDF: I tried to represent exactly what's
> in the picture, no more, and no less:
> [1]
> revision 1.1 date: 2000/08/08 13:44:41

It's good to have such examples! Also that syntax is well done!
Yesterday afternoon I wrote a small piece of XSLT at which is importing
your rdfp.xsl but producing rdf:Statements and keeping them
after such transformations.
The result of that transformation for that example is at
We can now ask euler such things as to get

> It might be interesting to annotate the proposal and
> relate its nodes to nodes like
> , but
> I took an approach of "this is what the figure says"
> and kept "this is what I know about things in
> the figure" out of it.


> Excercise for the reader #1: separate out
> the post-hoc knowledge in [2] and merge it,
> by machine, with the original knowledge in [1].

To have post-hoc knowledge merged, I would do an extra
assert of those post-hoc statements and then I could
ask more conjunctions to be proofed ...

I'm first looking for a kind of inverse transformation to
go from our statement syntax to your well done syntax ...

Jos De Roo of AGFA

Received on Monday, 2 October 2000 04:44:36 UTC