SV: A certain difficulty

David Megginson wrote:

> I'm still tempted to design something RDF-like but much simpler and better
> documented, but so far (at the end of 2000-02) I think there's still a
> bit of hope for RDF: I'm not willing to split the market as long as
> there's a market to split, because the network effect is what we all
> really need.

Greg surmises:

When I started "certain difficulty" it was certainly not willed to split
anything.  As you say David, "the network is what we need".

And the network is also a market place and shares the rules of any
marketplace and our languages and schemas and standards will all eventually
stand or fall by those rules.

I doubt if we will ever see another HTML-like revolution, not on the web in
any case.
Structure will apparently come via incrementation rather than landslide.

Perhaps the semantic web already exists. Seek and ye shall find.  Perhaps
there is  more promise in the methodology of programs such as Proverb;
than in our clumsy attempts at KR.
God knows there is enough context out there to completely turn around the
basis for all AI based knowledge discovery.

Since this is play and plug week, and the "certain difficulty" thread well
worn and ready to retire, I dont want miss the opportunity to pitch the
WHA-machine and SKiCal.

This is pure directory stuff.  The only inference is that somebody tagged
WHO: is responsible if the bits hit the fan, the only logical predicate is
IS. I would sure appreciate some feedback even if it hurts.


Received on Wednesday, 1 March 2000 09:50:20 UTC