What if I don't jump over the cliff?

A practical question: if I stick with current RDF syntax, and write
something like

	<rdf:Description ID="foo.html">
		<author ID="foo_author">
			<object resource="Fred"/>

because I can't write 

	<rdf:Description ID="foo.html">
		<author ID="foo_author" resource="Fred"/>

what if anything do I lose from a parsing point of view? In other words,
does something like SirPAC gain any special knowledge from the resourceAttr?


Jeffrey E. Sussna
Chief Architect
Quokka Sports, Inc.
Digital Sports Entertainment

128 Spear St. Suite 200
San Francisco, CA 94105 USA
+1 415 369 4286


Received on Thursday, 6 January 2000 13:47:12 UTC