Re: Towards a final consensus re statements & statings

Pierre-Antoine CHAMPIN <> writes:

>  3.  the example for reification (namely "Ralph says that Ora was
>  the creator of the page") tastes just like a stating. One would
>  like to add the date when Ralph said that, hence the problem raised
>  by Jonas Liljegren : if I also want to state that "Pierre-Antoine
>  said that Ora was the creator of the page, at another date", then
>  which date applies to which stater ?
>   st1: [Ora, creator, page]
>   st2: [st1, saidBy, Ralph]
>   st3: [st1, saidAt, 01/12/99]
>   st4: [st1, saidBy, Pierre-Antoine]
>   st5: [st1, saidAt, 01/12/00]


>   about 3.  I already submitted the idea below on the list, but I
>   will go further : the problem raised by Jonas is not a problem !
>   If we do consider that the reified statement is really a statement
>   rather than a stating, then the date should not be a property of
>   st1, but rather of st2 and st4 !
>   st1: [Ora, creator, page]
>   st2: [st1, saidBy, Ralph]
>   st3: [st2, at, 01/12/99]
>   st4: [st1, saidBy, Pierre-Antoine]
>   st5: [st4, at, 01/12/00]
> The statements st2 and st4 are actually statings, not because
> *every* reified statement be a stating, but because of the
> particular meaning of their predicate "saidBy".

Yes.  That is an alternative.  Another alternative is:

   st1: [Ora, creator, page]
   st2: [a1, states, st1]
   st3: [a1, saidBy, Ralph]
   st4: [a1, at, 01/12/99]
   st5: [a2, states, st1]
   st6: [a2, saidBy, Pierre-Antoine]
   st5: [a2, at, 01/12/00]

Another alternative is to put the statements in contexts/models and
say things about the models.  This can be done both for models (as in
a RDF page imported and parsed) and for "models" inside other models
(as with Klyne contexts).  We can use the property asserts (or

   st1: [Ora, creator, page]
   st2: [st1, model, a1]
   st3: [a1, saidBy, Ralph]
   st4: [a1, at, 01/12/99]
   st5: [st1, model, a2]
   st6: [a2, saidBy, Pierre-Antoine]
   st5: [a2, at, 01/12/00]

Or we can use the bag modelling for this. (Model subClassOf Container)

   st1: [Ora, creator, page]
   st2: [a1, type, Model]
   st3: [a1, _1, st1]
   st4: [a1, saidBy, Ralph]
   st5: [a1, at, 01/12/99]
   st6: [a2, type, Model]
   st6: [a2, _1, st1]
   st7: [a2, saidBy, Pierre-Antoine]
   st8: [a2, at, 01/12/00]

Who are going to tell us what the consensus is on this?

/ Jonas Liljegren

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Received on Thursday, 21 December 2000 05:59:46 UTC