Re: Parsers and rdf:Description

Jan Wielemaker wrote:
> The SWI-Prolog parser does this only if the description
> has a bagID.  I.e. it does not generate a reification
> for anonymous descriptions.
> This might not be correct, but it surely is practical
> as reifications are probably best left implicit for
> storage and reasoning about RDF.

I agree that the creation of a Bag for each Description
element isn't necessary in many situations (e.g for
retrieval) since it represents only the XML structure 
of the RDF document. Nevertheless, it's important for me
to understand the parsing process in detail. 

The M&S Spec is ambiguous, because the Bags containing
the reified statements are missing in all examples.
Either the examples are wrong (incomplete) or the
cited paragraph of the last mail is wrong (or I
oversee something ;-)


Received on Tuesday, 22 August 2000 11:07:38 UTC