Re: RDF Semantics: corrections

At 22:07 13/01/04 -0600, pat hayes wrote:
>One way to extend this is to require that the class extension of x be a 
>*subset* of the value space of x.  This seems to be the minimal extension 
>which would handle datatype clashes appropriately.  But now, the 
>finite-value class examples give difficulties for completeness arguments, 
>since now the 'boolean' example is rejuvenated:
>a p "true"^^boolean
>a p "false"^^boolean
>c type boolean
>a p c
>In order to block this, we would need to allow ICEXT(I(boolean)) to be a 
>proper superset of the boolean value space.
>It can't be both a subset and a proper superset.

My apologies for not following the debate closely enough, but I'm not sure 
what is the problem here.  Why would one want to "block" this entailment?


Graham Klyne
For email:

Received on Wednesday, 14 January 2004 05:12:05 UTC