question about normative status of entailment rules

I noticed that the entailment rules have changed status from informative to
normative.  I view this as a serious mistake, and will be objecting to this
change if it survives.

In preparation to this objection, I was investigating the deliberations of
the RDF Core Working Group and could not find any indication that the
working group did indeed decide to make this change.  I cannot find any
indicatation that the working group even voted on a resolution that even
remotely could be considered to approve this change in either the IRC log
or the minutes or the agenda for the RDF Core Working Group meeting of 27
June 2003, which is the date that RDF Semantics indicates for approval of
this far-reaching change.

Peter F. Patel-Schneider

Received on Monday, 29 September 2003 08:41:50 UTC