Re: xsd:string ang language tag

>What are we supposed to do with the following case ?
>ex:title rdfs:range xsd:string
>ex:doc ex:title "Carpe diem"@en
>As said in RDF semantics :
>Typed literals [...] no longer have associated language tags
>Does it lead to a FALSE conclusion ?

Yes, if one assumes that entailment is made relative to a datatype 
map which recognizes xsd:string.  In fact it is a datatype clash.  A 
string is simply a string: it has no associated language.  "Carpe 
diem"@en denotes a pair, not a string.

You could have made the range be rdf:Literal; that would have been OK.


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Received on Monday, 22 September 2003 13:15:54 UTC