Re: Please review RDF Last Call

>recorded as
>At 14:47 30/01/2003 +0100, Jeremy Carroll wrote:
>>  > As an aside, do you intend to actually "require" a particular QName prefix
>>>  when it says, "which we will refer to as XSD and use the Qname prefix xsd:.
>>  > "?

Re. the above, the answer is no, it does not.  The Semantics document 
introduces the xsd: Qname as follows (section 0.2):

"We will also make extensive use of the Qname prefixes rdf:, rdfs: 
and xsd: defined as follows:

Prefix rdf: namespace URI:

Prefix rdfs: namespace URI:

Prefix xsd: namespace URI:

Since Qname syntax is not legal N-triples syntax, and in the 
interests of brevity and readability, we will use the convention 
whereby a Qname is used without surrounding angle brackets to 
indicate the corresponding uriref enclosed in angle brackets, eg the 

<ex:a> rdf:type rdfs:Property .

should be read as an abbreviation for the N-triples syntax

<ex:a> <> 
<> ."

Does this cover the issue you have raised?

Pat Hayes

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Received on Monday, 3 February 2003 17:30:28 UTC