Re: Comments on informal meaning of the RDFS vocabulary

[sorry to reply again...]

> For example,
>          ex:Cretan rdf:subClassOf ex:Person .
>          ex:Cretan rdfs:comment "All Cretans are liars" .
> would mean that the model theoretic consequences of
>          ex:John rdf:type ex:Cretan .
> would include that John is a liar.

Not when you write that as ex:John rdf:type ex:Liar.
"All Cretans are liars" is just a plain literal

           A plain literal is either
           * a Unicode string in Normal Form C
           * a pair of such a string and a language tag

and is opaque to any likely RDF inference engine
but *can* be carried by formal entailments

-- ,
Jos De Roo, AGFA

Received on Wednesday, 29 January 2003 15:40:11 UTC