Re: Error in RDF parser test cases?

Jan Grant wrote:
> On Wed, 18 Sep 2002, Arjohn Kampman wrote:
>>My question concerns the given output files for two (approved) tests
>>from , namely tests 4 and 6 of
>>In the document it is suggested that all relative URIs should be
>>resolved against the base URI
>>but the expected output that is given for the two mentioned test cases
>>looks to have been resolved against the actual URL of the test case. Is
>>this an error in the document?
> This is an error in the document. Test cases are being revised to
> include xml base where appropriate.

I think I've found another error in test 4 of
rdf-containers-syntax-vs-schema which isn't related to the xml base

According to the latest revised syntax specification, the rdf:ID="e4"
attribute of the last list item indicates that the concerned statement
should be reified. However, in the accompanying output file the value
"e4" is used to name the object of this statement, like it was defined
in the specification of 18 December 2001.

I think the last two lines of the output file should be replaced with
the following 6 lines:

_:bar <> _:res2.


<> _:bar.


<> _:res2.

_:res2 <http://foo/bar> "foobar".

Is this correct?


Arjohn Kampman

aidministrator nederland b.v.  -
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Received on Monday, 23 September 2002 07:43:54 UTC