"Including" other RDF and RDFS files


I'd appreciate if someone could straighten me out on a couple of concepts.

1. "RDF File Include"
Is there RDF vocabulary somewhere to tell a processor "also retrieve and include this other RDF-containing file"?

2. Presenting a Schema to an RDF+RDFS Processor
What is the model (or rangel of models) for how a schema is to be presented to an RDFS-savvy processor?  

Is there, for example, some convention whereby a block of RDF can say "This block of RDF abides by the RDFS schema to be found here", in the same fashion that an ordinary XML file can specify a DTD by which it abides?


Graham Wideman
Resources for programmable diagramming at:

Received on Monday, 9 September 2002 23:27:55 UTC