Re: Input sought on datatyping tradeoff

>I feel somewhat like the man who was asked if he was to be condemned 
>to be executed whether he would like scrambled eggs or pancakes for 
>breakfast before the execution.  After he replied ``Pancakes, of 
>course'' he was told that then it would certainly be all right to 
>execute him.
>We are being asked to pick between two choices that are only on the 
>table because of various constraints imposed by not only XML and RDF 
>but by the members of the RDF Core Working Group.  I have this 
>uneasy feeling that the results of the poll will then be used to 
>justify the constraints that are being discussed in the working 
>group.  In this sort of situation it is only right to reject the 

Look, the WG is only trying to get feedback from as wide as possible 
a section of the user community in order to help it make a decision. 
It has tried to make the decision itself and has found itself 
deadlocked on which way to go. Under these circumstances, asking for 
wider feedback seems a reasonable way to proceed. I see no reason why 
you or anyone should feel uneasy at this decision being made in this 
way. A decision has to be made, one way or the other.

Your response presumably means that you refuse to provide any input. 
I take it, therefore, that you will not complain when your views, 
whatever they happen to be, are not taken account of when the 
decision is made.


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Received on Wednesday, 17 July 2002 13:56:32 UTC