Re: Input sought on datatyping tradeoff

At 12:25 12/07/2002 -0400, Jonathan Borden wrote:


>I'm sorry

No, I'm sure its because I've not been clear.

>-- I've not seen an actual integer in this discussion, certainly
>not in the N-triples nor RDF/XML that you've written.

When we write:

   <Jenny> <age> _:a .
   _:a xsdr:decimal "10" .

the _:a denotes an integer.  The domain of the xsdr:decimal is the value 
space of the xsd:decimal datatype.

Does that help?

>The point is that we _are actually_ talking about literal strings that might
>be _interpreted as_ integers -- but the object of the triple is either a
>URIref or literal string. So "10" === "10".
>Of course I agree that integerValueOf("10") = 10, but this isn't part of RDF
>e.g. you can't say:
><Mary> <age> 10 .

Effectively, that is what the example I gave above is saying.

Does that help clarify?


Received on Friday, 12 July 2002 14:07:16 UTC