Re: Proposed NTriples changes for literal notation

From: "Patrick Stickler" <>

> > Jenny ex:age _:x .
> > _:x rdfs:dlex "35" .
> > _:x rdfs:lang "en_US" .
> I'm not sure if attaching the language property to
> the same node as the rdfs:dlex is correct. I
> would think that the language is qualifying the lexical
> form, not the thing denoted by the lexical form.

I would think that the the language is qualifying the *use* of the lexical
form (not the lexical for itself) .. in other words what the the bnode
denotes is (the lexical form interperted in that language).  We dont need no
extra bnode.

Seth Russell

Received on Friday, 15 March 2002 11:09:52 UTC