Re: regarding rdfms-identity-anon-resources

Pierre-Antoine CHAMPIN wrote:
> > Without getting into the
> > particulars of what the RDF infoset is, I would claim that it is
> > neither the M&S concept of a model or the XML concept of an infoset.
> > It is closer to the Hytime concept of a hyper-grove in that the meat
> > of RDF is related to the relationship between documents rather than
> > the internal structure of a specific document.
> I'm not familiar with Hytime,
> but why would the RDF infoset be different from the M&S models ?
> I thought we all agreed that RDF is about the RDF graph...
> What do you see further ?

I have a slightly heretical view that RDF is also about the RDF/XML
documents. I take this view, at least in part, because there is
information in the RDF/XML documents that is not currently being
captured in the RDF graph or triple representations like qname
mappings, anon resources, lang, occurrence vs. quoting of statements,

I also take this view because RDF/XML documents provide the only real
"context" mechanism at the moment that I am aware of, i.e. the
document itself and the description elements within that document. The
latter is currently representable in an indirect way view the
controversial bagification of each description element. This is
available as an option on many RDF/XML parsers. The former is not
really captured by any of the RDF graph or triple representations,
i.e. the ability to keep track of the origin of a statement occurrence
with respect to the particular document that contained it.

This seems to be similar to the kinds of issues of ambiguity that led
to the infoset development in XML land. HyTime OTOH, based on my weak
understanding, was an attempt to represent not just the information
set of a particular document but the infoset of an interrelated set of
documents. This is addressed by XML document stores but I don't know
of an equivalent effort in the RDF world other than Mozilla's
composite data sources. 
>   Pierre-Antoine



Received on Friday, 16 March 2001 11:18:22 UTC