Re: Bug parsing containers in SiRPAC 1.14?

On Fri, 29 Sep 2000, Art Barstow wrote:

> On Fri, Sep 29, 2000 at 10:50:44AM +0200, Jeen Broekstra wrote:
> > 
> > Apparantly SiRPAC has trouble parsing container elements that contains
> > inline elements themselves.
> The W3C's 1.14 version of SiRPAC is quite old and lacks
> many of the bug fixes that Sergey Melnick has made to 
> his version of SiRPAC:
> I am in the process of merging Sergey's changes to the
> W3C's SiRPAC source tree and after I finish that merge,
> I will update our online version of SiRPAC and make a
> new package available.

This has been something of a FAQ, so I've belatedly updated the SiRPAC
home page,
(though may take a few minutes for the W3C mirrors to update from CVS).

Art, feel free to wade in and fix, elaborate or update the page. I've
XHTML tidied it too.



Janne Saarela, the original creator of SiRPAC, is no longer involved in
maintaining the SiRPAC package. Janne has subsequently been busy working
on two other RDF
parser implementations (a Perl module and another Java parser). These
are available for download from Pro-Solutions.

The current maintainers of the SiRPAC system are Art Barstow, Sergey
Melnik (Stanford) and Dan Brickley.

Sergey has been busy producing an improved version of SiRPAC, packaged
with his Stanford RDF API proposal. See the Stanford site for details,
downloads and version
history. Art is preparing a new W3C distribution of SiRPAC is in
preparation that incorporates many of Sergey's improvements and

Note: While the new W3C distribution of SiRPAC is in preparation, we
recommend that RDF implementors use Sergey's package as it fixes a
number of know bugs. In
particular, the 1.14 distribution (below) contains a damaged .class file
and needs recompilation before use.

Suggestions, bug reports and other comments should be sent to the
www-rdf-comments list as always; more general suggestions
(eg. discussion of RDF APIa) are
welcomed on the RDF Interest Group mailing list.

Received on Friday, 29 September 2000 10:09:38 UTC