Fourth Annual Health Law and Bioethics Workshop

An intensive five-day Health Law and Bioethics summer workshop wil be held
at the Boston University School of Law on the Charles River Campus in
Boston, Massachusetts from June 14-18, 1999.  The workshop will meet daily
from 9:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.  It will include extensive readings, and use
both lecture and case discussions.

This unique workshop will focus on the interrelationship between health law
and bioethics in addressing problematic health care decisions.  Students
will learn to identify the nature, scope, and context of dilemmas and
develop the necessary analytical skills to assist in their successful

Enrollment will be limited to 25 students.  The cost of the workshop
includes tuition, all books and materials, and parking.  The cost of the
workshop is $1,100.  Full payment must accompany registration.

For more information, see our webpage at:

Global Lawyers and Physicians 


Michael A. Grodin, M.D., FAAP
Professor and Director
Law, Medicine and Ethics Program
Boston University Schools of Medicine and Public Health
Rm. A-503
715 Albany St.
Boston, MA  02118-2394

(Voice) (617) 638-4626
(Fax)   (617) 414-1464

Received on Friday, 14 May 1999 11:09:05 UTC