Re: Errors in examples

At 05:43 PM 9/4/98 +0200, Olivier MARCE wrote:

>1- In 7.2 Aggregates, the rdf:Bag is closed with a rdf:bag

fixed in next draft -- thanks.

>2- More important, the second and third examples in section 7.4 Dublin Core
>Metadata seems to be wrong.

you are correct.  We are revising the representation of "higher-order
relations", having decided that the representation in 7.3 is not the
direction we want to go.  This will remove some of the confusion
that resulted in these examples being wrong.

>The third defined property in the second example is :
>   <dc:Contributor dcq:AgentType="dcq:Editor">Amy Friedlander</dc:Contributor>

This fragment does not conform to the allowed grammar, since
it mixes propAttr with atomic (string) element content.

>The initial aim of the property "dc:Contributor" seems to say :
>"Ressource '' has 'dc:Contributor'
>'Amy Friedlander', and this  contribution has for 'dcq:AgentType' 'dcq:Editor'"

This was the intended interpretation, and your form is consistent
with the representation we shows in example 7.3.  We intend to
recommend a different representation for higher arity relations
in the next draft, and the example will be fixed to conform to
the permitted grammar.

Thank you for your comments.

-Ralph R. Swick

Received on Friday, 4 September 1998 12:15:28 UTC