Re: Concerning iCal in RDF

On Tue, 2010-02-16 at 11:23 +0000, Michael Hausenblas wrote:
> Chris,
> Concerning your question regarding iCal in RDF [1][2]: based on the VoCamp
> we had in end of 2008 in Galway there were some follow-up discussions [3] as
> you rightly noticed. That said, I'm not aware of any concrete actions out of
> this.
> DanC, the original editor proposed to back it up by an Incubator group [4],
> and only recently we have seen what is possible with a small dedicated group
> that has a concrete goal (cf. vCard W3C Member Submission "Representing
> vCard Objects in RDF" [5]).
> I've CCed some IMO relevant people here, hoping to gather some answers. In
> case it is desired, I volunteer to drive an update (essentially in the same
> style as with vCards submission).
> Richard, Renato, Harry, DanC, DanBri - what is your opinion on this?

My opinion on your volunteering is that it's great!

About events in drupal... my first instinct was to suggest
hCalendar+GRDDL assuming that (a) the drupal folks had good
hCalendar support, and (b) the linked-data/RDF experts could
handle the other details with GRDDL.

But did some searching to confirm (a) and was surprised to find
only scraps... 2007 forum postings and such.

And I'm not sure to what extent linked data consumers support GRDDL...
though I think many of them support hCalendar directly.

I hear there's recent work on RDFa in drupal, but I don't know much
about it. Maybe that would be the way to go.

About the style of the vCard submission, it looks pretty good, but
I'd be happier if it had a test suite showing conversions to/from
vCard syntax.

There *is* a test suite for iCal/rdf-calendar:

And I developed a converter for hCalendar->rdf-calendar;
I can't remember how far I got in checking it against
the hCalendar test suite. See section
15.1. hCalendar and microformats for some details.

The conjecture to check would be:
  fromIcal(x2v(foo.html)) rdf-graph-equivalent glean-hcal(foo.html)

for each foo.html in the hCalendar test suite.

> Cheers,
>       Michael
> [1]
> [2]
> [3]
> [4]
> [5]

Dan Connolly, W3C
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Received on Tuesday, 16 February 2010 17:28:12 UTC