Re: Schedule and Events Conflicts Management in RDF

Le 2005-08-26 à 09:54, Karl Dubost a écrit :

Just a test of markup for the same events.

* The N3 syntax

### Montreal Film Festival schedule
       @prefix dt: <> .
       @prefix events: <#> .

      :subject <urn:imdb:tt0332639>;
      :startingDate  [
          dt:dateTime "2005-08-27T18:30:00-05:00" ];
      :endingDate  [
          dt:dateTime "2005-08-27T20:20:00-05:00" ];
      :eventOccursAt events:p1 .

* The XHTML hCalendar syntax.

<head profile="@@somethinghere@@">


<p class="vcalendar" id="p1-27-2">
<span class="vevent">
   <a class="url" href="">
     <span class="summary" xml:lang="zh">He ni zai yi qi</span>
     <abbr class="dtstart" title="2005-08-27T18:30:00-05:00">27  
August 2005, 18h30</abbr> -
     <abbr class="dtend" title="2005-08-27T20:20:00-05:00">20h00</abbr>,
     at the <span class="location">Parisien 1</span>

* Some Thoughts

- The semantics seems not right, because I'm giving the URI of the  
movie for the events.
- I found also very hard to type with redundancy of information, not  
very human friendly.
- Use of abbr for date seems wrong. For example title is used in  
vocal browser to give more information to the user. Here it will give  
less human understandable information.
- It really needs a templating system to be entered.

Karl Dubost -
W3C Conformance Manager
*** Be Strict To Be Cool ***

Received on Monday, 29 August 2005 16:24:29 UTC