Re: [Ietf-calsify] VTIMEZONE - replacement idea (fwd)

On Sep 14, 2004, at 3:41 PM, Leo Sauermann wrote:

>> Also in the debate on this list was listing all entries in UTC.  This
>> would eliminate the need for VTIMEZONE in many (all?) components.
>> Yet the CUA still needs to do TZ math.  So this is a proposal on
>> how to have simple IANA registered time zones so that everyone does
>> the same math.
> uhhh..
> many of todays calendars in VCAL have errors about timezones.
> If mozilla/kde/whatever doesn't get it, we rdf developers won't get 
> it, too.

But mozilla/kde/whatever do get it, increasingly.

Don't let's fall into the trap of thinking that producing new 
will fix the fact that the old ones aren't implemented well.

> so I would recommend to always store time in local time format with 
> timezone, because any UI (cell phone, whatever) then may display it 
> without any math.

But if it can't tell that a meeting at 1pm NY time conflicts with a 
meeting at 12noon Chicago time, what good is that? Just use plain text 
if you don't want the computer to actually help.


Received on Wednesday, 15 September 2004 12:49:04 UTC