[Ietf-calsify] VTIMEZONE - replacement idea (fwd)

from the new icalendar mailing list.

I submitted draft-royer-calsch-xmltz-00.txt and it should

being showing up in a few days on the IETF announce list.

My idea is to deprecate the VTIMEZONE object in VCALENDAR objects

and only include the TZID.

Then allow applications to find IANA registered time zones

in XML format that describe the named time zone. They can

cache in local storage the TZID/revision and do the timezone

math much easier.

The XML format is a simplified and revision controlled time zone

definition. Instead of including RRULEs, it enumerates the exact

UTC date/time change and its offset in seconds. An application

would just need to find the TZID, scan for a matching time

range and add/subtract from UTC.

The draft has place holders for a URL specification for fetching

by TZID.


Doug Royer                     |   http://INET-Consulting.com


Doug@Royer.com                 | Office: (208)520-4044

http://Royer.com/People/Doug   | Fax:    (866)594-8574

                               | Cell:   (208)520-4044

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Received on Friday, 10 September 2004 07:44:09 UTC