Re: RDF Calendar Workspace

On Mon, 2004-06-21 at 06:38, Norman Beck wrote:
> Dear Mr. Connolly,
> my name is Norman Beck and I study information technologies at the University of Leipzig in Germany.
> Since three months I've been working on a Semantic Web Development Plattform (
> with Sören Auer from the University of Leipzig.
> During my theses I'm now working on a Web Content Management module for the existing Semantic Web Development Plattform
> and I'm trying to include the RDF Calendar Workspace. But we still got some problems with instances for Vevents or Vtodos.
> I would like to demonstrate the problem with the given example in XML notation:
> <rdf:RDF
>   xmlns:rdf=""
>   xmlns="">
>  <Vcalendar>
>   <prodid>-// 1.0//EN</prodid>
>   <version>2.0</version>
>   <component>
>    <Vevent>
>     <dtstart rdf:parseType="Resource">
>      <tzid>Asia/Tokyo</tzid>
>      <dateTime>2004-02-11T14:00:00</dateTime>
>     </dtstart>
>     <dtend rdf:parseType="Resource">
>      <tzid>Asia/Tokyo</tzid>
>      <dateTime>2004-02-11T16:00:00</dateTime>
>     </dtend>
>     <summary>This is just a test.</summary>
>    </Vevent>
>   </component>
>   <component>
>    <Vtimezone>
>     <tzid>Asia/Tokyo</tzid>
>     <standard rdf:parseType="Resource">
>      <dtstart rdf:parseType="Resource">
>       <dateTime>1970-01-01T00:00:00</dateTime>
>      </dtstart>
>      <tzoffsetfrom>+0900</tzoffsetfrom>
>      <tzoffsetto>+0900</tzoffsetto>
>     </standard>
>    </Vtimezone>
>   </component>
>  </Vcalendar>
> </rdf:RDF>
> Here we have a Vcalender with two components. But in the definition there are no classes 
> for 'component' or 'vcalendar'.

Yes, those are missing from the schema.

The schema is produced in an automated fashion, and
it doesn't (yet) add those two.

>  Further we've found out, that there are properties in the RDF Calendar definition, for which
> no domain is given and there are classes, which don't have any poperties like 'Value_DATE-TIME'. Is the scheme given on
> the actual one?

Yes; that is

>  Why are you using classes with no properties and properties without domains?

Because we haven't found any reason to have more constraints, I suppose.

> How can instances from 'component' or 'vcalendar' be created without the definition of classes for them?

It's a bug that 'component' and 'Vcalendar' are not in the schema,
but it doesn't prevent them from being used, as far as I know.
Does your content management system rely on their appearance
in the schema? We can probably fix this problem relatively

> Many thanks for your answer.
> Kind regards,
> Norman Beck

On Wed, 2004-06-23 at 03:39, Norman Beck wrote: 
> Dear Mr. Connolly,
> yes, of course you may copy my question and your answer to the public archive.

Dan Connolly, W3C

Received on Wednesday, 23 June 2004 09:28:26 UTC