unescaping text values

I realized the other day that iCalendar text
values have certain characters escaped.
cf 4.3.11 Text

So where we were mapping
  PRODID:-//Apple Computer\, Inc//iCal 1.0//EN
  <prodid>-//Apple Computer\, Inc//iCal 1.0//EN</prodid>

it really should be

  <prodid>-//Apple Computer, Inc//iCal 1.0//EN</prodid>

I implemented this in v 2.3  2004/02/12 06:30:48

and I intend to update the test data presently.
(along with the URI->string changes I mentioned
in my previous message.)

Dan Connolly, W3C http://www.w3.org/People/Connolly/
see you at the W3C Tech Plenary in Cannes 1-5 Mar 2003?

Received on Thursday, 12 February 2004 01:35:54 UTC