Re: priority bug, to libby and dan

At 9:16 AM -0500 04.4.8, Dan Connolly wrote:
>Just yesterday, in consultation with SeanP, I decided
>to represent the floats in GEO as real RDF floats:
>       <geo
>           rdf:parseType="Resource"
>          ><rdf:first
>             rdf:datatype=""
>            >40.442673</rdf:first

Interesting. In this way, you describe the object of ical:geo as an
anonymous resource, which implies ical:geo is an owl:ObjectProperty and has
no specific range. Then, it becomes possible to write as:

 <ical:geo rdf:parseType="Resource">

If anybody wants to describe coordinates in a manner strictly following to
the RFC 2445, then he/she can use your syntax (first - rest - nil).

If, on the other hand, want to describe a place with WGS84, we can use
geo:lat/geo:long here (this might not be safely converted back to
iCalendar, because there is no way to specify datum).

It looks happy solution for both sides. Isn't it ?


Received on Thursday, 8 April 2004 10:57:59 UTC