A Japanese introduction to RDFical and CGI/XSLT


I made an introductory document to RDF Calendar in Japanese [1] (with some
English hints), and web version of ical2rdf.pl [2] for easy trial. The
resulting RDFical will be rendered with a monthly calendar view and links
to cross referenced iCal spec, via XSLT [3].

I'm relatively new to this genre, but quite interested in it. Will try to
put some more documents for newbees (like me).


[1] http://kanzaki.com/docs/sw/rdf-calendar.html
[2] http://kanzaki.com/courier/ical2rdf

KANZAKI, Masahide a.k.a. masaka
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Received on Saturday, 8 November 2003 11:55:24 UTC