xCal Java support

I've posted an early and incomplete version of a Java package for 
reading the XML representation of iCalendar.  In the tradition of 
giving open source projects interesting names, I've named this 
project Sosigenes, after the inventor of the Julian calendar.  At 
this point, my main interest is in getting comments on the broad 
approach (Am I doing it in a useful way?  Am I representing RFC's and 
working drafts in the correct language?  What features would be 
helpful? Has it been done already? etc.), though those who enjoy 
shooting fish in a barrel are welcome to point out bugs.

If the project meets with some degree of interest, I'll continue work 
on it and post a more usable version in the near future.

The Web page for it is <http://www.mcgath.com/sosigenes>.
Gary McGath            http://www.mcgath.com/

Received on Tuesday, 17 September 2002 14:54:49 UTC