Clarification needed on attribute names without namespace prefix

I need some clarification on the attribute names without namespace prefix.

Current XML Namespace spec says that attribute without namespace are put under a per-element-type partition in Appendix A.2 and illustrate the point further with samples like:
 <ExpAName name='title' eltype="book" elns="urn:com:books-r-us" /> 
 <ExpAName name='title' eltype="author" elns="urn:com:books-r-us" /> 
So I'm not clear whether the above two attribute names under different elements are the same or not.

When related to XQuery, several things needs to be clarified:
1)  does @title retrieve both attributes?
2)  should book/@title be allowed to copied to author/@title?
3)  does fn:node-name(book/@title) return the same xs:Qname as fn:node-name(author/@title)?
If the answers are yes to all three questions, then I think the so called 
    expanded QName in XQuery for book/@title and author/@title are exactly the same.

Then the description of the ExpAName in XML Namespace is very confusing and seems to give the impression that they are different.



Received on Tuesday, 24 May 2005 04:43:11 UTC