Lexical state questions


I have a few questions about the lexical states in XQuery, and the use
of the semi-colon.

The "XQuery 1.0: An XML Query Language" spec at
contains a description of the lexical states for XQuery. 

1) The first row in the "TRANSITION STATES" table ("WhitespaceChar
Nmstart, ... HexDigits S") contains a blank "recognize state" and a
blank "next state" - is this correct?

2) There are many terminals that are not listed in the table - why? (I
assume the answer is "because they don't cause transitions", but then
what is the difference between these and the ones listed in the first
row in the table?

3) W.R.T. the semicolon, in the Terminals section of A.4, it is listed
	[189]    SemiColon    ::=
I assume that is meant to be:
	[189]    SemiColon    ::= ";"    

4) Referring to the beginning of "A.1 Grammer":
	"Note that the Semicolon character is reserved for future use."
What use is planned - would it be right to guess it is for batched
requests, similar to that used in the combined use case queries download
file at:


Eamon O'Tuathail

Received on Monday, 1 July 2002 16:58:39 UTC