ANN: X-Hive releases XQuery implementation

Rotterdam, March 18th, 2002

X-Hive releases a Technical Preview Release of X-Hive/DB 3.0.

X-Hive/DB 3.0 supports XQuery/XPath 2.0, DOM Level 3 Abstract Schemas
and DOM Level 3 Load & Save. 

Previous releases of X-Hive/DB already supported:
XPath 1.0, XPointer, XLink, DOM L2, XUpdate, XSL-T and XSL-FO

X-Hive's XQuery implementation is based on the W3C Working Draft
of December 2001. Several extension functions are provided and 
collation is supported for revelant XQuery functions.

The XQuery implementation takes advantage of X-Hive/DB's 
index structures which increases performance significantly.

Unclear spots of the XQuery spec have not been implemented yet. 

Implementation details:

1. All XQuery expressions except those referring to datatypes 
have been implemented.

2. The following standard functions have been implemented:

anyURI avg boolean boolean-from-string byte ceiling compare 
concat contains copy count decimal deep-equal distinct-nodes 
distinct-values document double empty ends-with exists false 
float floor get-local-name get-namespace-uri id if-absent 
if-empty index-of insert int integer last local-name long 
lower-case match max min name namespace-uri normalize-space 
normalize-unicode not not3 number position QName 
QName-from-string QName-from-uri remove replace round 
sequence-deep-equal sequence-node-equal shallow short 
starts-with string string-length string-pad sublist 
substring substring-after substring-before sum translate 
true upper-case 

3. Type checking has not yet been implemented. 

Nodes are always treated as untyped. 
Schema imports are ignored. typeswitch and instance of
will result in errors.assert as and treat as are parsed 
but have no effect.cast as is supported for the most 
common simple types.

4. As in the previous working draft, union, intersect and except 
only work on nodes, not on simple values.

5. A / by itself or as the start of an absolute path expression 
always refers to the document that the query was executed on. 
This may not be root of the context node.

6. As in XPath 1.0, a path step does not set the context size 
and position, only predicates do so.

An evaluation license can be downloaded at:

An online demo can be found at:

The Team

X-Hive Corporation
Jeroen van Rotterdam, CEO
phone: +31 10 7108600

Received on Monday, 18 March 2002 11:31:13 UTC