RE: Casting: Use Cases VS Specs

Hi Ashok,

Thanks for your reply.  But wouldn't we still have to handle the
sequence explicitly, like:
 old: min( decimal($p/text()))
 new: min( for $v in $p/text() return decimal($v))

Maybe what we need is a handful of mapping operators (functionals),
as in many functional languages.

So   "map( decimal, $p/text())"  would map the decimal function
over the sequence  $p/text().


Ashok Malhotra writes:
 > Steve:
 > There is an open issue on whether we allow constructors to take
 > expressions as arguments.  If we decide that we do, then the use case
 > would work fine.
 > Otherwise it would have to be changed to "cast as decimal($p/text())".
 > Please note that the documents you are looking at are works in process
 > and are likely to change.  Even though the editors make their best
 > efforts the specs will sometimes have inconsistencies.  Our apologies.
 > All the best, Ashok 
 > ===========================================================
 > Ashok Malhotra              <mailto:> 
 > Microsoft Corporation
 > 212 Hessian Hills Road
 > Croton-On-Hudson, NY 10520 USA 
 > Redmond: 425-703-9462                New York: 914-271-6477 
 > -----Original Message-----
 > From: Steve Sullivan [mailto:sullivan@Mathcom.COM] 
 > Sent: Friday, March 08, 2002 9:28 AM
 > To:
 > Subject: Casting: Use Cases VS Specs
 > Hi,
 > There appears to be a mismatch between the XML Query Use Cases
 > and the Functions and Operators specs.
 > In the XML Query Use Cases W3C Working Draft 20 December 2001,
 > section Q10, the example is:
 >     <results>
 >     {
 >         let $doc := document("prices.xml")
 >         for $t in distinct-values($doc//book/title)
 >         let $p := $doc//book[title = $t]/price
 >         return
 >           <minprice title={ $t/text() }>
 >     <price>{ min(decimal($p/text())) }</price>
 >     </minprice>
 >     }
 >     </results>
 > The expression "min(decimal($p/text()))" implies that the
 > cast decimal() can be applied to a sequence.
 > Yet nowhere in "XQuery 1.0 and XPath 2.0 Functions and Operators
 > W3C Working Draft 20 December 2001" is there such as cast.
 > Section 3.2.1 discusses a decimal() constructor that takes
 > a single string literal.
 > Section 14 discusses casting functions from primitives to primitives,
 > but not over sequences.
 > The intent of the use case is clear ... apparently the cast
 > should be applied to each element of the sequence.
 > But where is it in the specs?
 > Thanks,
 > Steve
 > ========================================
 > Steve Sullivan
 >    Mathcom Solutions: Custom Software Development.
 >     * XML, XQuery, XSLT, Java, JDBC, J2EE, JSP, JNI, ...
 >     * Mathematical optimization, simulation, and modeling.
 >    303-494-7115
 > ========================================


Steve Sullivan

   Mathcom Solutions: Custom Software Development.
    * XML, XQuery, XSLT, Java, JDBC, J2EE, JSP, JNI, ...
    * Mathematical optimization, simulation, and modeling.    303-494-7115

Received on Friday, 8 March 2002 14:04:37 UTC