RE: static typing and computed elements

The query:

ELEMENT { if $language = "french" then "titre" else "title" } { "LoTr" }

indeed has type ELEMENT * {xs:string}

The element-name may be computed by an arbitrary query expression;
thus the above type is the most specific we can get.
In principle, we need to even check (dynamically) that the expression

if $language = "french" then "titre" else "title"

indeed returns an NMToken (or more generally a qualified name - QName).
Thus the correct query is:

ELEMENT { TREAT AS xsd:NMToken ( if $language = "french" then "titre"
else "title" ) } { "LoTr" }

This checks at runtime whether or not "titre" and "title" are valid
E.g.: the following query:

ELEMENT { TREAT AS xsd:NMToken ( if $language = "french" then ./titre
else ./title ) } { "LoTr" }

will most likely be a (runtime) type error, because ./titre (or titre
for short) returns
a titre-element (or empty list) rather than a valid NMToken. It is an
issue whether or not such runtime tests are inserted (and
performed) automatically.

To accomplish a more specific type, you need to formulate this query as

if $language = "french"
then <titre> {"LoTr"} </titre>
else <titel> {"LoTr"} </titel>

which has the type:

(ELEMENT titre {xs:string} | ELEMENT titel {xs:string})

You can try sth. similar out (e.g.) at
as follows:

(1) Load (e.g.) the query "extraction1"
(2) Substitute the query there

(let $bib := cast as Bib (document("bib1.xml")/bib) return


let $bib := cast as Bib (document("bib1.xml")/bib)
for $b in $bib/book return
if ($b/@year/text() <= 2000) then
else <bookThisCentury>{$b/title/text()}</bookThisCentury>

This query returns:

<bookLastCentury>Data on the Web</bookLastCentury> <bookThisCentury>XML

of type:

(element bookLastCentury { xsd:string *}  | element bookThisCentury {
xsd:string *} ) *

Hope this clarifies,


PS.: the current online IPSI-XQ Demonstrator does have a few bugs (which
we are working on).
The Galax team (see
also has a complete implementation of the XQuery Type System
- and fewer bugs *grrr* ;)

> -----Original Message-----
> From: [] On Behalf 
> Of Martin Tapp
> Sent: Freitag, 18. Januar 2002 21:50
> To: ''
> Subject: FW: static typing and computed elements
> Hi,
> //element { if $language = "french" then "titre" else "title" } { 
> "LoTR" } // has type //element * { xs:string }
> I was woundering if the type was element titre|title {xs:string}.  
> Thanks!
> Martin Tapp
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Jerome Simeon []
> Sent: Thursday, January 17, 2002 10:18 AM
> To:
> Cc:
> Subject: Re: static typing and computed elements
> Holger,
> The XQuery static typing handles dynamic element names fine. The trick

> is to realize that wildcard names are part of the type system and can 
> be used to type such an operation.
> For instance:
> element title { "Lord of the Rings" }
>  has type
> element title { xs:string }
> and:
> element { if $language = "french" then "titre" else "title" } { "LoTR"

> }  has type element * { xs:string }
> where the * is a wildcard that stands for all possible QNames.
> So you can statically type this expression without problem, you just 
> get a less precise type.
> You can see more details about the typing for element constructors in 
> section 4.4 of the XQuery formal semantics (June working draft).
> - Jerome

Received on Monday, 21 January 2002 13:15:38 UTC