- From: Sachin Garg <sgarg@research.avayalabs.com>
- Date: Thu, 20 Jun 2002 00:19:16 -0400
- To: www-ql@w3.org
- Message-ID: <20020620041916.GA1607@kira.research.avayalabs.com>
****************************************************************** FAST ABSTRACTS CALL FOR CONTRIBUTIONS Thirteenth International Symposium on Software Reliability Engineering (ISSRE 2002) Annapolis, Maryland, USA November 12-15, 2002 http://www.issre2002.org ****************************************************************** what is a FastAbstract ? ------------------------ A FastAbstract is a lightly reviewed, two page technical article that is published and includes a short talk at the conference. The goal is to promote current work, research, practices, opinions, experiences, and issues. This is an early communication of technical work and does not always require completed results like that of a journal publication. Accepted contributions are published in a digest form in addition to being web published. For details on the submission requirements (a sample is provided) and the review process, please visit the web page: http://www.chillarege.com/fastabstracts/issre2002/home.html Important Dates: FastAbstracts Submission Closes: August 15, 2002 Acceptance Notification: By September 1, 2002 Final Version and Copyright Release Due: October 1, 2002 Topics of Interest include (but are not limited to): Network system reliability Fault-tolerant and robust software Internet reliability engineering Software architecture reliability Quality of network service Analysis and prevention of virus attacks Electronic commerce Secure software engineering Practice of reliability modeling Security testing and certification Reliability measurement Reliability of distributed systems Software testing and verification Standards and regulation Software reliability models Dependable web-services Ram Chillarege, Chair, FastAbstracts, ISSRE 2002, ram@chillarege.com Sachin Garg, Co-Chair, FastAbstracts, ISSRE 2002, sgarg@avaya.com **************************************************************************** Note that FastAbstracts are an integral and important part of ISSRE. For details on the overall call for contributions for ISSRE, a PDF document is attached. Also, be sure to check http://www.issre2002.org for details. ****************************************************************************
- application/pdf attachment: issre_2002.pdf
Received on Thursday, 20 June 2002 00:19:24 UTC