Re: [ANNOUNCE] QuiP: Software AG's XQuery Prototype

In a message dated 02/07/01 18:17:06 GMT Daylight Time, writes:

> Software AG's QuiP is a prototype of XQuery, the W3C XML query language. 
> QuiP can be used either with text-based XML files or for queries against a 
> Tamino database. It may be downloaded for free from this location:
> This distribution is a good way to get a hands-on grasp of the XQuery 
> language - it conforms to the 7 June 2001 draft of XQuery, and it includes 
> a large number of sample queries and data files, syntax diagrams in the 
> online help, and a GUI.
> There is also a developer forum that you can use to post comments on the
> prototype or on the XQuery language - follow the link from the downloads 
> page.


It was probably a mistake on my part to attempt to install and run Quip late 
in the evening (UK time) after a long day. But I did.

My basic problem is that I don't know where to start with Quip and there is 
essentially nothing on the SoftwareAG Web site to get me started.

The Readme.txt file in the download states: "Installation You have already 
unpacked the file ''. That's all!". Not helpful when the program 
won't run at all. The readme file dates from May and applies to version 1.3.1 
not 1.4.1 which is now available for download. There may not be a specific 
problem related to versions but it doesn't inspire confidence.

I visited the developer's forum on the Software AG site which links from the 
Quip download page only to see a question from someone else who had obviously 
decided to explore Quip and had had immediate problems sitting unanswered 
after 5 days.

There is, for example, nothing in the readme file to indicate which 
platform(s) the download is supposed to run on. All versions of Windows? Only 
some? Wouldn't it have been useful to provide that basic information on the 
download page? If Quip.exe runs for me, should I expect the GUI to run too? I 
don't know. It isn't stated.

For me, the GUI doesn't run at all. I assume that is why none of the promised 
syntax diagrams are accessible.

Quip.exe runs but gives no information at all about how the XQuery files are 
to be used in the command line syntax. Sometimes I am psychic and can work 
these things out but not at 23:30, at least not today. :)

I am posting these question on list partly for my own benefit and partly to 
hopefully avoid later visitors to the list archives having a similar 
frustrating experience.

I am looking forward to exploring Quip but it would be nice to have some 
assistance in getting started. If these questions shouldn't have been 
directed to you can you please give me an email address of someone who can 
give me (and presumably others who want to explore Quip) some assistance in 
getting past the first hurdle?


Andrew Watt

Received on Wednesday, 11 July 2001 18:24:42 UTC