Re: [ANN] Open SVG Test Suite launches

At 11:26 AM 1/30/2006 +0900, Karl Dubost wrote:
>         I remember the huge series of test made for Batik with automatic
>testing. I wonder if those had been released. I wonder if it was Sun
>Microsystems, or ILOG which was working on that.

Some time ago, I had some conversations about that with Vincent Hardy 
(Sun).  As I recalled, the automation was a *regression* testing scheme.  I 
just checked that recollection with Vincent, who wrote:

"What I had put in place in Batik was a test infrastructure (called regard 
for 'regression guard') which took SVG files, rendered them with Batik and 
checked that the rendering did not deviate from one run to the next."

He also confirms that "The tests are accessible like the rest of the Batik 
software and under the same license."


Received on Monday, 30 January 2006 17:48:00 UTC