Re: W3C's XHTML QA plan


At 18:33 -0600 2002-01-29, Shane P. McCarron wrote:
>Just to be clear... While this project involves people from the HTML
>Working Group, and while we will give the results to the W3C membership
>when we are done, it is not a W3C project.  We needed to fund the
>project, and we found a way to do it.  Early access is the carrot that
>is getting people to pony up some funds to get the development work
>done.  Once it is done, we will make it available to all W3C members.
>This is farily common practice in the standards industry.  If the W3C
>had chosen to fund this project, we wouldn't need to do it this way.
>They didn't.  So we do.  I don't like it, but I don't really have a

Most of the working group have done their test suites without funding 
of the W3C. It has happened that someone has been hired to coordinate 
the work, but no funding to create the test cases themselves. As 
members participate to the working groups, and give resources to 
elaborate the standards, they commit resources also to create such a 
test suite.

For the newly created WG charters, I'm trying to make it a part of 
the charter. It means, that the test suite is a deliverable of the 
WG. I never understood why the HTML WG has always been so reluctant 
to create such a test suite. I perfectly understand that it was not 
on the charter. But HTML being the most used language on the web, it 
would have been not difficult to have a broad participation from the 

Karl Dubost / W3C - Conformance Manager

      --- Be Strict To Be Cool! ---

Received on Wednesday, 30 January 2002 12:40:32 UTC