Re: Detailed proposal for Test Group and Spec Questionnaire topics, Tokyo F2F


I don't think the Test Group questions can be grouped together with Test 
GL as it currently stands, for two reasons:

TestGL is document issues
There is no clear understanding of where Test Group will be (at a later 
stage, it may wellbe come obvious that Test GL is part of the Test 
Group's work, but that remians to be seen).

I know that we haev problems with agenda items, but I suppose we'll have 
to improvise for the time being.


On Friday, October 4, 2002, at 02:58  PM, Lofton Henderson wrote:

> Olivier,
> As I understand, this is a refinement of Day1 P.M. items.  There were 
> three main items:  #1 and #2 below, and "test demos".  The third has 
> been proposed for migration elsewhere, but we don't yet know where all 
> (or part) of it might go.  (Note:  the current agenda shows "demos" 
> with two things in parens -- per my earlier message, it was supposed to 
> be a comma-list of three items.)
> -Lofton.
> At 05:13 PM 10/4/2002 +0900, Olivier Thereaux wrote:
>> Hi.
>> On Friday, Oct 4, 2002, at 16:32 Asia/Tokyo, Dimitris Dimitriadis 
>> wrote:
>>> Also, I'll send a proposal on the forming of the Test Group for plane 
>>> reading and hopefully, and time permitting, a recap of the results 
>>> from the questionnaire.
>>> 1. Test Group
>>>         - Review of DD proposal
>>>         - Rationale
>>>         - Proposed organization
>>>         - Resources
>>>         - Deliverables
>>>         - Issues wrt. W3C Member Company commitment
>>> 2. Spec questionnaire
>>>         - Review of DD recap (will have been sent by the time we sit 
>>> at the F2F)
>>>         - Conclusions relative to Spec GL and guidelines therein 
>>> (arguments for our rationale section can be found in the replies)
>>>         - Roadmap
>> Should I add this to the (draft) agenda at 
>> ? If so, which day? I guess the test 
>> group question(s) could fit into day 2 (morning) as an intro to test 
>> GL. What do you think?
>> If you (all the f2f attendees) can have a last look at the agenda 
>> before leaving, that would help "fix" it before day 1.
>> Wishing you all a safe and pleasant journey.
>> --
>> Olivier

Received on Saturday, 5 October 2002 21:09:22 UTC